Read what people have to say about our services and how we provide them. These testimonials and references relate to our Director, Mark Smith.
These colleagues below have provided written references on the work of Mark Smith, Director of Eriter Consulting. Please right-click on the link and select “Save As” to download the PDF to your computer.

Professor Mark McLean.
Executive Director for Research, Western Sydney Local Health District. Senior Staff Specialist Endocrinologist, Westmead and Blacktown-Mt Druitt Hospital. Conjoint Professor of Medicine, Western Sydney University. Honorary Professor of Medicine, University of Sydney. Employer from 2020-2021. PDF

Ms Helene Abouyanni.
Director of Operations, Research & Education Network. Western Sydney Local Health District. Line manager from 2011-2021. PDF

Emeritus Professor Stephen Leeder.
School of Public, Health Menzies Centre for Health Policy. The University of Sydney. Employer from 2011-2020. PDF

Associate Professor Eddy Kizana.
Department of Cardiology, Westmead Hospital. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Westmead Clinical School. The University of Sydney. Chair of the Western Sydney Local Health District Institutional Biosafety Committee. PDF

Professor Tony Cunningham.
Co-Director, Centre for Virus Research, WIMR; Professor Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney. Employer from 1997-2011. PDF

Professor Rochelle Wynne.
Director, Western Sydney Nursing & Midwifery Research Centre; a conjoint appointment between Western Sydney University and the Western Sydney Local Health District. PDF

Professor Wieland Meyer.
Molecular Medical Mycology, Westmead Clinical School, The University of Sydney. Westmead Institute for Medical Research and Associate Dean, Curtin Medical School. Curtin University. PDF

Emeritus Professor Gerry Wake (deceased).
Former McCaughey Chair in Biochemistry. Department of Biochemistry. The University of Sydney. My employer from 1982 to 1996. Reference dated 2001. PDF